Unit 1.2 Notes on Program Purpose

Daily Video 1

  • It is important to know and be able to describe the purpose of a computing innovation
  • The purpose could be to solve problems, pursue interests through creative expression, etc.
  • Truly understanding the purpose of a program helps the developer(s) develop the program better
  • Essential Questions:
  • Why does the computing innovation exist?
  • What problem(s) does the computing innovation solve?
  • What does the computing innovation allow us to do that we could not do before?

Daily Video 2

  • Identify inputs/outputs to a program
  • Program inputs are data sent to a computer for processing by a program. Some forms can be: tactile, audio, visual, text
  • An event is associated with an action and supplies input data to a program
  • Events can be generated when a key is pressed, a mouse clicked, etc. Can be any defined action that affects the flow of execution
  • Inputs generally affect the output of a program
  • In a program, the code is made in a way that after an action, the code “jumps” to the code segment according to the event
  • Program’s output is based off input or prior state

Daily Video 3

  • A program (software) is a collection of program statements the performs a specific task when run by a computer.
  • A code segment is a collection of program statements that is a part of a program
  • Software needs to work for a variety of inputs
  • The behavior is how the program functions during execution and if often described by how a user can interact with it.
  • Can be described broadly by what it does or in detail on how the program accomplishes its function
  • A program is a collection of statements: A statement is a single command, a group of statements is a code segment, code segments are executed -> a program/software

