Personal Presentation Reflection

This time, with the game demo, recording, and 8 person group, it was pretty chaotic compared to the other times. I also feel like there were a lot more people, adding to the cramming. So, I would say the stress from the room made it harder to present and also took away from potential viewers who could have interacted with our project, and the quality of our demo. If there were more space, we would have been able to set up multiple computers, allowing for multiple people to play our game at once, and for longer (better quality interaction). I think out of all the trimesters, this tri’s N@TM project was the best since the class time we spent collaborating was actually really high quality and everyone just put in lots of work to make this a good project.

My Night at the Museum Experience

This N@TM I took more time to walk around and appreciate all the different classes and pieces of artwork, especially since I arrived early and stayed late during the event.

Artwork 1

One project I saw during N@TM was another AP Computer Science project (AP CSA) which was made be a student, and student’s group, which actually involved his parents’ company and actually functioned very well and could actually be used for their company’s marketing.