Lists Quiz
q1 = """Which room is CSP in?
a. A101
b. A111
c. A115
d. D114"""
q2 = """Which teacher is the best teacher?
a. Mrs. Mansour
b. Mrs. Roberts
c. Mr. Yeung
d. I hate all teachers"""
q3 = """255+1534?
a. 1999
b. 1509
c. 1489
d. 1789"""
questions = {q1 : "a",q2 : "c",q3 : "d"}
name = input("Enter your name: ")
print("Hello",name, "welcome to the quiz world")
for i in questions:
ans = input("enter the answer(a/b/c/d) : ")
if ans==questions[i]:
print("correct answer, you got 1 point")
score = score+1
print("wrong answer, you lost 1 point")
print("Final score is:", score)