Data Abstraction

  • Data abstraction provides a separation between the abstract properties of a data type and the concrete details of its representation
  • data abstractions manage complexity in programs by giving a collection of data a name without refrencing the specific elements of the representation
  • Data Abstraction makes it easier to implement, develop and maintain code
  • The use of lists allows for multiple related values to be treated as a single value
  • In AP exam the index values for lists start rom 1 and not 0 like in python.


Using simple lists and working with variables

  • Lists are a powerful tool that can be used to organize, maintain and develop related data
  • For example - A list of students in a class, if there was no list we would assign a variable to each student but if the data was in a list everyone would be under one variable. If a student left the class or was added instead of deleting entire variable we can edit the previous list.
  • this helps organize data and make less mistakes
shopping_list = ["milk",
                 ] # list syntax is "[]"
another_list = shopping_list
print(id(shopping_list)) # each object has a uniques id; the id() function returns this id for the specifies object
print(id(another_list)) # As shopping_list is attritibuted to another_list, the id for both are the same as the object in questiom does not change

shopping_list += ["cookies"] # adding cookies to the list
print(id(shopping_list)) # the id does not change

a = b = c = d = e = f = another_list # it is possibe to atrribute the same object to various variables

print("Adding cream")
# .append() is a function which can be used to place new items into old lists 
b.append("cream") # changes in one of the variables chnges all the lists in other as the object in question is the same.
['milk', 'pasta', 'eggs', 'spam', 'bread', 'rice']
['milk', 'pasta', 'eggs', 'spam', 'bread', 'rice', 'cookies']
['milk', 'pasta', 'eggs', 'spam', 'bread', 'rice', 'cookies']
['milk', 'pasta', 'eggs', 'spam', 'bread', 'rice', 'cookies']
Adding cream
['milk', 'pasta', 'eggs', 'spam', 'bread', 'rice', 'cookies', 'cream']
['milk', 'pasta', 'eggs', 'spam', 'bread', 'rice', 'cookies', 'cream']
['milk', 'pasta', 'eggs', 'spam', 'bread', 'rice', 'cookies', 'cream']

Breaking lists into more lists

  • A list of data can be further segregated using more similar characteristics in the data
  • For example, the code segment below segregates the data given into 2 new lists. One that one contains plants and one that contains only shrubs.
  • This can be used to also organize data received from API's and other resources.
data = [
    "Andromeda - Shrub",
    "Bellflower - Flower",
    "China Pink - Flower",
    "Daffodil - Flower",
    "Evening Primrose - Flower",
    "French Marigold - Flower",
    "Hydrangea - Shrub",
    "Iris - Flower",
    "Japanese Camellia - Shrub",
    "Lavender - Shrub",
    "Lilac - Shrub",
    "Magnolia - Shrub",
    "Peony - Shrub",
    "Queen Anne's Lace - Flower",
    "Red Hot Poker - Flower",
    "Snapdragon - Flower",
    "Sunflower - Flower",
    "Tiger Lily - Flower",
    "Witch Hazel - Shrub",

# two empty lists
flowers = []
shrubs = []

for plant in data: # A for loop that goes through each item in the list
    if "Flower" in plant:
        flowers.append(plant) # executed if "flowers" is in the item
    elif "Flower" not in plant:
        shrubs.append(plant) # executed if "shrubs" is in the item
print("Shrubs {}".format(shrubs)) # The format() method formats the specified value(s) and insert them inside the string's placeholder. The placeholder is defined using curly brackets: {}
print("Flowers {}".format(flowers))
Shrubs ['Andromeda - Shrub', 'Hydrangea - Shrub', 'Japanese Camellia - Shrub', 'Lavender - Shrub', 'Lilac - Shrub', 'Magnolia - Shrub', 'Peony - Shrub', 'Witch Hazel - Shrub']
Flowers ['Bellflower - Flower', 'China Pink - Flower', 'Daffodil - Flower', 'Evening Primrose - Flower', 'French Marigold - Flower', 'Iris - Flower', "Queen Anne's Lace - Flower", 'Red Hot Poker - Flower', 'Snapdragon - Flower', 'Sunflower - Flower', 'Tiger Lily - Flower']

Organising diffrent items in the lists

  • individual elements can be called, seprated and organised using for loops
albums = [("Welcome to my nightmare", "Alice cooper", 1975),
          ("Bad Company", "Bad Company", 1974),
          ("Nightflight", "Budgie", 1981),
          ("More Mayhem", "Emilda May", 2011),
          ("Ride the Lightning", "Metallica", 1984),
print(len(albums)) # number of items in the list

for name, artist, year in albums: 
    print("Album: {}, Artist: {}, year: {}"
          .format(name, artist, year)) #returns a segregated and labled presentation of the songs
Album: Welcome to my nightmare, Artist: Alice cooper, year: 1975
Album: Bad Company, Artist: Bad Company, year: 1974
Album: Nightflight, Artist: Budgie, year: 1981
Album: More Mayhem, Artist: Emilda May, year: 2011
Album: Ride the Lightning, Artist: Metallica, year: 1984

Splitting and joining lists and data inside them

  • The split() method splits a string into a list. You can specify the separator, default separator is any whitespace.
  • The join() method takes all items in an iterable and joins them into one string. A string must be specified as the separator.
panagram = """the quick brown
fox jumps\tover 
the lazy dog"""

words = panagram.split() # splitting the string above into individual words. Separator here is any whitespace.

numbers = "9,223,372,036,854,775,807"
print(numbers.split(",")) # separator is ","

generated_list = ['9', ' ',
                  '2', '2', '3', ' ',
                  '3', '7', '2', ' ',
                  '0', '3', '6', ' ',
                  '8', '5', '4', ' ',
                  '7', '7', '5', ' ',
                  '8', '0', '7', ' ',
values = "".join(generated_list) # converting the list into a string

values_list = values.split() # separator is any whitespace
['the', 'quick', 'brown', 'fox', 'jumps', 'over', 'the', 'lazy', 'dog']
['9', '223', '372', '036', '854', '775', '807']
9 223 372 036 854 775 807 
['9', '223', '372', '036', '854', '775', '807']